mercredi 24 février 2016

Recipe for Weight Loss

Recipe for Weight Loss

Recipe for Weight Loss :
The best ways to loungewear is to follow the rules set by Algmaa expert nutrition and exercise and constantly here will remind you a German diet.

 - Daily breakfast:

Experimented with the fruit of righteousness Fort or medium-sized apple or Tqalh Ali Waller Coordination and a cup of coffee or tea without sugar.

'Lunch 2
 hamburger or a piece of grilled meat and salad (lettuce and tomato) and a piece of bread, about 50 grams. After lunch three hours a grain of medium-sized fruit

Msellouktan two eggs and a few green beans 250 grams. After three hours of sleep before any fresh fruit juice without sugar.

What are the means of preserving the environment

The environment and how to maintain them

Definition of Environmental Protection :
 What are the means of preserving the environment

The environment in general is all that exists in nature and which is made up with each other to form Mnthomh life on earth such as soil, water, air and organisms that live on the planet, protecting the environment has emerged largely as a result of concerns faced by the planet from the risks and problems on the environment , and these fears of global warming, one of the biggest environmental problems facing the planet and that change the Earth's climate, which greatly affect the organisms that live in them, and these environmental protection based on reducing infections of the environment. Protection of the environment of the things that can not Turkhaa and neglect them, they start from the same individual to reach larger groups and to companies, institutions and factories, and governments that everyone preservation of the environment, even if things started thinking that some trivial like throwing paper and waste in the streets and parks to reach factory waste and nuclear reactors.

- Means of preserving the environment :

  • Spreading environmental awareness among members of the community and strata:

Environmental awareness is the process of spreading the culture of preserving the environment and the risks that people can face if you do not keep in good environment and take responsibility rests with every individual that preserving the environment is a duty imposed on every person who is present in the region in which they live are the most important points that help maintain on the environment dramatically, culture is the basis of the strength of any nation in the world, it is the other be a state unmarked on the map and be neglected state, all countries of the world where spreads cleanliness and prosperity but rather the result of a sense of responsibility to its members not to sabotage the country and which are not to harm others, this responsibility rests with the family, which in turn is working to spread this awareness and raise their children on hygiene and take responsibility for their country.

  • Laws to protect the environment status:

    Considers the laws enacted by the state is one of the things that are indispensable to prevent the apostates and abusers from the law and compel them to do what is right, the state is responsible for the development of these laws by the state policy in taking action that unforgettable environmental conservation laws and emphasized, in this way compel individuals within the squatters and neglected to prevent vandalism in the environment Carmi leaves from the individual point of view, and that force factories and institutions to abide by the laws set by the state, which in turn keeps the environment.

  • Put competent people to protect the environment:

Also important, to preserve the environment are people who fear for their environment and they love to maintain their state and people to do the impossible and apply the laws to preserve the environment, the person is appropriate to put it in a suitable place may find much to offer and therefore indispensable for the environment they are like any other function of important functions, but the most important jobs and who, in turn, seek to preserve the environment and cleaned of waste, which begins from worker hygiene to the Minister of the environment.

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Smoking and damaging

 Smoking and damaging

Smoking and damaging :

Smoking is defined as the process by which the burning of a particular substance and mostly this article be "tobacco" in order to inhaled or Tin Bdjanha and taste, so for recreation, and considers cigarettes are more prevalent around the world and the means of smoking, whether these cigarettes damage ways manual or industrial, in addition to means other Tejen such as: lease, a pipe (pipe), or water pipe (Albonj), and hookahs and water pipes, and divides the smoking into two types: Smoking voluntary The second type is smoking Allarada (negative) and his is inhaled persons non-Smoking to smoke from people smoking rooms.

 -About the smoking history :

Smoking is an old one of the most roads prevalent in drug use recreational, and at the present time is tobacco smoking material more common forms of smoking, as it is estimated at more than one billion people around the world engage in smoking, whether men or women, dating back smoking a year (5000) before the Birth, where the spread in a lot of different cultures of the world, and it was haunted religious ceremonies, such as: some cleansing rituals, offering oblation to the gods, and the priests and the diviners, after the European conquest of America has spread tobacco smoking material dramatically and fast, and the first person to accept on smoking is the French man originally named "Jean Nicot," which is the first to introduce tobacco smoking material to France, and the sailors were the first to have smoking "tobacco" in Britain, and then spread to tobacco smoking to the continent of Africa and the Ottoman country.

 -General damages of smoking :
It became the smoking of the global problems that have a negative impact on various areas: Whether health primarily economic or cultural, or social, or psychological, as this epidemic kills more than five million people a year, and Smoking causes a lot of diseases and health problems such as: stroke, heart attack and stroke, and respiratory disorders, such as asthma, diseases of cancer, especially lung cancer, leading to death. Smoking causes addiction, oral cancer and cancer of the stomach and esophagus, as well as heart disease and the occurrence of Calluses in the arteries, increases the spread of tuberculosis, infections, chronic trachea and tuberculosis, and some studies suggest that 80% of people who suffer from emphysema are smokers, Omn harms it causes stress, anxiety, fatigue, nervousness.

- The effects of smoking on pregnant women :
  • It increases the likelihood of developing breast cancer.
  • It works to influence fetal weight and lacking.
  • Increases the incidence of abortion, cases, slip the placenta, and pre-eclampsia, premature birth.
  • Change the tone of voice and increases wrinkles in the face and affects the freshness and color of skin.
  • It increases the risk of bone fragility.
  • It affects the menstrual cycle and fertility.